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Appeal to citizens regarding use of brown bins

Appeal to citizens regarding use of brown bins
16 September 2020
Recently, we have been finding larger quantities of various types of waste in brown biodegradable waste bins that does not belong in this kind of bin. We hereby kindly request that citizens sort their waste properly and that only the type of waste that is specified for brown bins be disposed in them.
Where we find that a bin contains materials other than those explicitly specified as biodegradable waste, the service of waste collection will not be provided.
When using brown bins, please put all your biodegradable waste in biodegradable bags, paper bags or wrap them in paper. It is also permitted to put biodegradable waste directly in the bin. It is important not to dispose of biodegradable waste in plastic bags.
Below is a list of the types of waste that should go in the brown bin.
The following waste is to be disposed of in brown bins:
Kitchen waste (fruit and vegetable scraps, eggshells, coffee grounds, teabags, leftover bread, leaves of lettuce, cabbage, chard and alike) ,
Garden waste or green waste (wilted flowers, twigs, fallen leaves, grass and hedge clippings, pot soil, fruit and vegetable scraps and alike),
Small quantities of other biological waste (tree bark, hair, sawdust, paper tissues, pine needles, small quantities of paper used to wrap kitchen scraps).
The following waste is not to be disposed of in brown bins: Leftover thermally processed food,
Meat, fish, bones, skin,
Dairy products, oils and fats,
Ash, packaging (cardboard, glass, plastic), rubber, hazardous waste, stained or lacquered wood, clothes, cigarettes and other similar material.
When we adopt a responsible approach to biodegradable waste sorting, we develop good eco-friendly habits, produce useful compost for use in green areas, reduce the amount of landfill waste, reduce greenhouse gas emissions and protect the environment.

Thank you for your cooperation!

 Zagreb City Holding Ltd, Subsidiary Čistoća